The Benefits of a Stay at Home Mom

Is staying home with your child an outdated notion or a progressive choice for a woman?

The progress of our culture has made allows women the choice to follow their heart on this issue. There is no wrong way to love and care for children, but a strong argument can be made for the benefits of a stay at home mom.

Benefits the Mother

Being able to stay home benefits the mother. After pregnancy staying close to your child allows for healthy bonding and allows for time to heal physically and emotional after the trauma of labor. Most women have a strong desire to capture and hold on to every possible memory as their child grows. A stay at home lifestyle can allow for these things while leaving plenty of time for outlets for a woman's personal ambition and creativity.

Benefits the Child

When a mom stays at home it benefits the child as well. There is peace and security for the child who knows that mom is always around. Studies have proven that children from stay at home mom families are often times more confident later in life and often perform better in school. Every child deserves the best possible start for their lives.

Benefits Society

Even society as a whole can benefit from the stay at home family structure. It is well established that children coming from families that are committed to their well being have a greater potential for success in life. Every member of society directly benefits when a child graduates into adulthood with strong life skills.
Committed parents are the key to a child's future success and choosing to stay at home with a child is one powerful method of commitment.
Shelley Brownfield is the founder of Proverbs 31 List, linking Christian work at home moms with loyal customers.