Use the Internet to Build Your Business

Building your business by using the Internet can be a very effective way to get going quicker. By adding a website your own business you have immediately added a new way for customers to look at your products and purchased from you.

There are several things that you must know before starting your business on the Internet. You may have heard many things about starting an Internet business that are simply not true. Today we are going to talk about truth versus fantasy when it comes to Internet business.

You may have heard that starting an Internet business can make you wealthy overnight. This is simply not true. Whether you are doing your business locally or on the Internet it will still require a lot of hard work on your part to become successful. Be sure to watch out for any body who tells you that you can purchase a website from them that will make you rich overnight. The Internet is filled with many people who will try to scam you out of your money. Be sure to check out any offers thoroughly before investing your hard-earned money. Rule of thumb here is, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Another thing you may have heard is that starting an Internet business is easy and anyone can do it. The truth is it is not easy and many people have tried have failed, in fact most have failed. It is best that you know that in advance because if you think it's going to be easy and you're not willing to put in hard work and you're better off to not even try to start your business on the Internet.

When you start your home business, you may decide that it is a good idea to have a website also to promote it besides promoting locally in your area. Having a website will make your business look more professional and give it more opportunity for growth. If you had never designed a website yourself, it is a good idea to invest in someone who knows how to design a website and make it effective in getting
listed in the search engines. Be sure to read everything you can about marketing on the Internet and setting up an Internet business before you start.

Another false impression people get about the Internet, is that if they build a website then they can just relax and let it do the work for them. This is simply not true. Once you have built the website, the work has just begun. You then need to get traffic to your website. Traffic will not miraculously just show up at your website because you have a great website. You have to let people know that you have a website and put it offers. People want to know what's in it for me they're looking for a website. You will need to
promote it effectively to let them know that you are website offers what they are looking for.

You will need to promote your website heavily in order to get enough traffic to it to make a successful business. You will want to submit your site to search engines, website directories, write articles and submit them, and get your link on as many targeted websites as you can.

It is important that you read as much information as you can about Internet marketing in order to get your business going right. If you follow directions correctly and take the time to make your site one that people will want to visit, and as long as you promote it correctly, you can have a very good business.

12 Steps to Enjoy Work Every Day

It's Monday morning and the alarm goes off...
"Oooh crrrrap, not again!''...and you bang your head with your favorite hard cover thriller to get back to your senses after the shock.
Is this you?
If it is, the reason is probably related to the way you filter your job experience. The fact is, you can wake up in the morning and say "Yes, I'm off to work!"

Now if you hate your work you're probably saying: "Are you loosing your marbles Reggie, enjoying work! hrrrmph!"
YES! Enjoying your work!

Now, let me be clear.

I'm not saying that you should adapt to any trash that other people may throw your way at work. What I'm saying is that usually there is something within your circle of influence which can kick start the process to enhance your working experience.

So what are some behaviors that you could incorporate at work to help you not only survive but also thrive in what you do.

1. Explore your feelings: and find out SPECIFICALLY what you don't like. Is it a specific task, the system at work, the Values of your organization, lack of career opportunities, your Boss?

2. Commit yourself to your work: Deep down do you wish you could put your heart in your work and career? If conditions were ideal in your workplace would you love doing the work that you do? If you decide you can never be truly committed to your work due to incongruence between your Values and your workplace than you are seriously in the rut and you need to consider alternative work! If on the other hand you intrinsically like your work, then there is hope! If it's only external situations that are causing the problems, put yourself in a resourceful state and commit yourself to your work with passion. Give your 100 percent effort and intention to the moment and task at hand.

3. Ask yourself what you can change: And before you say 'the shape of someone's face I don't like at work', consider the following: From the list you made in point 1, is there anything that is within your circle of influence to change? Do you need to speak to anyone about an action that could affect you positively? What's the first step you need to take? Now, decide your first step...and take action- immediately.

4. Make your work a piece of art.: Explore what specific part of your job you really like. Is it a specific task or skill? Whatever it is, commit yourself to become an EXPERT in it. Look into opportunities to develop further this skill and excell in this area within your organization. Ask to attend courses, and take charge of your own growth. Ask for help from your Boss, but march to the music of your personally developed plan and goals. Don't hibernate placidly in routine.

5. Communicate effectively: To bring about any change you require to hone your skills in communicating effectively. Listen to others more and 'see' the situations from their perspective. On the other hand, learn to clearly explain to others your perspective and needs.

6. Don't rat on your colleagues: Yes, we all love to bitch about our colleagues at times don't we? But trust me, it's not worth it and what goes around comes around. Establish a zero-tolerance for talking behind another person's back and avoid negative people. In fact your policy should be to make it clear you will protect those who are not present. Agree with your colleagues to give honest feedback to each other.

7. Create Work Life Balance: Rather than lack of love for your work, you could be getting burned out. You might be overworked or taking on too much. Make sure you have a good work life balance and leave space to totally cut yourself off from your work and do relaxing activities. Learn to say 'no' if required and create clear boundaries at work.

8. If you mess it- clean it: If you want to be trusted don't go into a defensive pitch when you make a mistake. Just admit your fault and clean up the mess. You'll feel much better afterwards.Remember that mistakes are opportunities to learn so if you screw up, reflect on what went wrong and what needs to change.

9. Go beyond what is expected of you: Going beyond your job description will serve you in many ways. If you pitch in and help others at work without expecting rewards it will help you to increase your knowledge and your trust account with your colleagues. And other people, especially the important ones will start noticing too.

10. Live a life of contribution: If you put yourself in the service of those around you--your family, your colleagues and your customers--you will gain a sense of purpose and meaning in all that you do. If you have done even one good deed during your working day - something which was not expected of you that helped a fellow colleague, you will feel so much better in the evening as you're sipping your glass of wine and relaxing.

11. Celebrate your successes at work: Make sure that you celebrate and acknowledge every worthwhile victory you achieve at work. Look back for the positive aspects that work is giving you and every time you make a contribution make sure you acknowledge it.

12. If all this fails, it's time to look for new vistas: Don't spend your life doing something you hate doing or putting up with an unfriendly work environment. If it's time to go, just cut the chord.
If you start working on these steps you will find that your Monday mornings may give you a smile.

Resume Writing Tips For Stay at Home Moms

Resume writing for women who are stay at home moms and are looking to re-enter the workforce can be a tricky deal. Being a stay at home mom is a wonderful thing and all women who decide to do that should be commended, but now comes the challenge of writing a solid resume so that you can get back to working on a full time basis. The main problem for all you stay at home moms is that now when you prepare your resume you will have a gap in employment. This does not look good but there are some things you can do that will help you fill in those gaps and be more likely to get an interview and eventually a job.

Here are some simple tips for preparing your stay at home mom resume:

 Don't get cute: It may sound cute to put 'Household CEO' or 'Professional kid taxi' on your resume, but the fact is it may actually hurt you. This is contrary to a lot of opinions and there is no doubt that being a stay at home mom is indeed a full time job, but there are those who will not agree with your decision or wished they could have stayed at home like you did. What you may inadvertently do by getting cute is turn of the individual going over your resume. If that happens, you will never get an interview and obviously you won't get the job you are after either.

 Look past your home life: Most stay at home moms don't have much idle time on their hands, but when they do it is generally put it to good use. This can be done in the form of volunteering, continued education, or even some freelance part-time work. By highlighting this on your resume you show the potential employer that you were committed to using and maybe even sharpening your skills while you were not in the workforce full time. Volunteer work is especially great here as many volunteer jobs are more demanding than the jobs you will be applying for.

 Highlight past experience: If you worked before you decided to stay at home with the kids, then you should of course highlight that. You will naturally be putting on your resume anyway, but perhaps there was some way in which you stayed somewhat involved with your former profession. If so be sure to include it.

 Don't leave the time gap blank: Whatever you do, don't leave the time that you were at home blank on your resume. You may be the best stay at home mom ever, but the potential employer doesn't know that, so do your best and make sure something goes down.
Remember, the entire point of a good resume is to make it appealing enough to get the potential employer to call you in for an interview. Once you get your foot in the door, you can explain the time you spent at home however you see fit.