Your medical exam results are always effortlessly perfect and you see to it you have yourself checked every year. Diet and exercise is on your everyday agenda and yeah you do practice safe sex - except for that one time. You think you are healthy enough and that everything is in tip top shape but there could be a few spots you're missing. Allow me to enumerate them for you and guide you as well on how to change these behaviors.
- You're either the office gal or the party animal, so yes your wardrobe has the typical tight fitting jeans, pantyhose without the cotton crotch, nylon panties or anything that would hold in heat, moisture and restrict airflow. You may not know it but these contribute to yeast infections or worse - vaginitis - which cause you to have painful urination or even pain during sexual intercourse.
- Just because you go see your gynecologist for a Pap smear every year and you perform a self breast exam every month doesn't guarantee that you have nothing to worry about. Every woman aged 20 and above needs a comprehensive physical exam every 1 to 2 years to screen for health conditions such as heart problems or diabetes.
- So you forgot to tell your partner to wear a condom that one time? It wouldn't do you any harm like it was just one time, right? One time unprotected sex could lead you to a sexually transmitted disease that include HIV or hepatitis. If you aren't in a monogamous relationship then do make sure you always let your partner use a condom or save him the trouble by being prepared with a pack of condoms yourself. Birth control pills or spermicides do not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases, only from unwanted pregnancy.
- Osteoporosis is the leading cause of morbidity in women aside from heart diseases, so make sure you get the adequate amount of calcium your body needs. Cut out the martinis and opt for a glass of fresh milk instead before you go to bed or even as a replacement for that cup of coffee you gulp down on the way out to office in the morning. Calcium is a vital nutrient throughout a woman's life, so make sure you get a daily dose of it.
- Stressed? Rather than picking up that lighter and smoking your lungs out, opt for breathing techniques instead or grab that stress ball and squeeze on it a few times. You may think smoking eases the stress but the chemicals in one stick are enough to cause you more health problems than you know.
- Hitting the gym once a week may do good but jogging every day for even at least 30 minutes will do you better. Engaging in regular physical activities will reduce the risks of heart diseases, cancer, diabetes and PMS.
- Every one of us is guilty about the one time we went out to grab a bite to eat but ended up eating a bit too much. Overeating will lead to weight gain. This not only leads to weight gain but to diseases such as heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and even gallstones. Eat all meals in moderation and if you get the urge to binge, grab a cup of yogurt or an apple instead. It's healthier plus it'll satiate your hunger.
- Remember me mentioning stress? Well, if you know you've already reached your limit then don't over exert yourself. Go ahead and take a break. You deserve it and your body does too.